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United Arab Emirates

Latest World additions:
240912: Oto Shopping 4 on Thaicom 6
240912: Biggy 1 TV on Badr 8
240912: Mac TV on Badr 8
240912: OK TV on Badr 8
240912: Alternative Shorai TV on Express AM6
240912: Simay-Azadi Iran National TV on TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat
240912: Ahwenepa TV on Badr 8
240911: Iran e Aryaee TV on Hotbird 13G

The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States
Position Satellite Beam
Frequency System SR
Video Lang. Encryption Packages Source
7.3°W Eutelsat 7 West A MENA
11277 V DVB-S 27500
HD 1080

M Razzouk
 LyngSat Stream

EPG at 10:15:EPG metadata by Babeleye
Now10:00-10:30Alan News Documentaries
Next10:30-11:00Our Platforms In A Week

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
The subscription info per country may be incomplete.

Committed to covering the news objectively and accurately, Al Aan TV gives voice to the voiceless and broadcasts
purpose-oriented entertainment to enrich viewers’ experience. It also aims to build partnerships with various
institutions to empower younger generations and equip them with skills necessary to have successful careers.

The content on this website is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
LyngSat is a registered trademark, owned by LyngSat Network.

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