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South Korea

Latest World additions:
240615: Travelxp HD Latino on Intelsat 34
240615: Alief TV on Paksat 1R
240615: Discovery Channel India on ChinaSat 11
240614: Inplus Pakistan on Apstar 7
240614: DD Arunachal Pradesh on G-Sat 15
240614: Satsang TV on SES 12
240614: Shubh TV on SES 12
240614: Vision TV on AsiaSat 7

The EIRP values are for Columbus, Ohio, United States
Logo Channel Name Position Satellite Beam EIRP

EQ songs with mom 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 11938 L DVB-S2
Is it popular? 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 11938 L DVB-S2
KBS 1 Radio 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 12523 V DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
KBS 3 Radio 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 12523 V DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
KBS Classic FM 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 12523 V DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
KBS Happy FM 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 12523 V DVB-S2

LyngSat Stream
Latest popular song 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 11938 L DVB-S2
MBC FM4U 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 12560 V DVB-S2
113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12665 H DVB-S2
MBC Standard FM 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 12560 V DVB-S2
113.0°E Koreasat 5A NE Asia 0 12665 H DVB-S2
Old Pop Song of Memories 116.0°E Koreasat 6 Ku 0 11938 L DVB-S2
Radio Korea
LyngSat Stream

Colour legend: (based on your location)
Beam: Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable
Frequency: Ku band C band S/Ka band - -
System: DVB-S2 DVB-S non-DTH - -
Access: Clear, HD Clear, SD Encrypted, subscribable Encrypted, non-subscribable -
The subscription info per country may be incomplete.

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