NRK P1 Nordland
The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States |
NRK P1 Nordland © LyngSat, last updated 2025-02-17 https://www.lyngsat.com/radiochannels/no/NRK-P1-Nordland.html |
Position |
Satellite |
Beam EIRP (dBW) |
Frequency |
System |
Video |
Lang. |
Encryption |
Packages |
Source |
0.8°W |
Thor 6 |
K1 0 |
10747 V |
25000 3/4 |
Nor |
N Schlammer 160529 |
| LyngSat Stream |
NRK P1 Nordland © LyngSat, last updated 2025-02-17 https://www.lyngsat.com/radiochannels/no/NRK-P1-Nordland.html |
Colour legend: (based on your location) |
Beam: |
Within footprint center |
Within footprint |
Outside of footprint |
Below horizon |
Beam data unavailable |
Frequency: |
Ku band |
C band |
S/Ka band |
- |
- |
System: |
DVB-S2 |
non-DTH |
- |
- |
Access: |
Clear, HD |
Clear, SD |
Encrypted, subscribable |
Encrypted, non-subscribable |
- |
The subscription info per country may be incomplete. |
NRK - Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation - is the public service broadcaster in Norway. NRK offers the Norwegian public a wide range of content with three national TV channels, 14 national radio channels and the website nrk.no. The regionalized versions of NRK1 and NRK P1 together with NRK Tegnspråk are completing NRK's linear portfolio. |
Related channels: NRK Folkemusikk, NRK Jazz, NRK Klassisk, NRK Nyheter, NRK P1 Buskerud, NRK P1 Finnmark, NRK P1 Hordaland, NRK P1 Innlandet, NRK P1 Møre og Romsdal, NRK P1 Rogaland, NRK P1 Sogn og Fjordane, NRK P1 Stor-Oslo, NRK P1 Sørlandet, NRK P1 Telemark, NRK P1 Troms, NRK P1 Trøndelag, NRK P1 Vestfold, NRK P1 Østfold, NRK P1+, NRK P13, NRK P2, NRK Sport, NRK Sámi Rádio
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