The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States |
EPG at 10:30: | EPG metadata by Babeleye | Now | 09:00-11:30 | The Matrix | | Anderson works as a computer programmer by day and a hacker by night. When he meets Morpheus, his perception of reality becomes intertwined with the parallel world. | Next | 11:30-13:55 | The Matrix Reloaded | | Neo is the only hope left for Zion City to save it from the machines siege, as they still believe in the prophecy that predicts his victory. |
Colour legend: (based on your location) |
Beam: |
Within footprint center |
Within footprint |
Outside of footprint |
Below horizon |
Beam data unavailable |
Frequency: |
Ku band |
C band |
S/Ka band |
- |
- |
System: |
DVB-S2 |
non-DTH |
- |
- |
Access: |
Clear, HD |
Clear, SD |
Encrypted, subscribable |
Encrypted, non-subscribable |
- |
The subscription info per country may be incomplete. |
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